How to Get Out of a Midlife Crisis

There may be moments when life gets duller and slower than usual, and you may have time to reflect on the events that have transpired and what haven’t. You may start to notice everything, and it hits you that the clock is ticking and you are halfway through your life.

Many men and women reach a phase in life where they feel that they may have caught up with time and may not be in their peak years. As a consequence, they will experience a confidence crisis that affects their jobs and responsibilities, and this is referred to as a midlife crisis.


A midlife crisis is often just a wake-up call to the reality that you have to begin to take better treatment of yourself. Read on for a guide on how to get out of a midlife crisis

How to Get Out of a Midlife Crisis

Focus On the Present

You can reminisce on the “good old days”, but they should not be stayed in. You can never bring back time, so instead of referring to it as the “best days of your life” and trying to live in the past, focus on the present, and make it the best.


Know that wisdom, experience, and security comes with getting older. Instead of focusing on what you have lost knowing that your “best days” are past you, you can reframe the situation by battling any negativity in your head and heading for what you still want to achieve.

Now that you are more equipped with skills, experience, and money, you can still go for your unfulfilled goals. Consider the things that you have been given or worked hard for, and be grateful for the person you are today.

Reassess your life, give yourself a pat on the back for the things you achieved and make changes for the better. It is never too late to achieve what you want because life is not counted by years living it. It is about how you live it that counts.


Share Your Pain With Others

When feeling midlife dissatisfaction, reaching out may be difficult and can seem like a way to lose admiration or validation from others. It may be hard to admit that something is wrong or lacking, but recognizing the crisis and the pain is the first step to accepting it.

After acknowledging that you are going through rough times, a good friend who can listen without judgment and is supportive of you can be such a great help. It can also make you feel less alone. Battling with the crisis alone can add more salt to an already gaping wound. 

Since experiencing the negativities brought by the crisis can make you do reckless things that you believe will save you from all the stagnation, a good friend may also help deter you from doing something that would backfire.

Stay Away From Social Media

How to Get Out of a Midlife Crisis
Image Source: University of California, Berkeley

Social media can be helpful in many ways especially when reconnecting with old friends or making new ones, but it is also true that overusing it can cause anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. 

It may be a total waste of time especially when it leads you to compare what you don’t have with what others have. To say that almost everything on social media is a facade is an understatement, so comparing your situation with others would do you more harm than good. 

Instead of spending hours scrolling the staged, almost-perfect highlights of other people’s lives, think of all the countless important things and goals you can do and achieve, like reading a book or meditating.

Rather than reviewing the snippet of other people’s lives, review your life goals. Put your phone down, deactivate your social media accounts, and focus on what should really matter to you.


A midlife crisis does not have to be a crisis, but an opportunity to take charge and make clear choices. Seek an amazing therapist you like and trust to assist you to figure out a direction to the next phase in life.

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