The 3 Best Ted Talks on Loneliness

TED Conferences LLC, stands for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, and it is an American media organization that offers talks online for free under their motto: “Ideas Worth Spreading.” This concept was conceived by Richard Saul Wurman.

He co-founded this company in 1984, as a conference, and since then, it has been held annually. Earlier on, they mostly emphasized on design and technology and were consistent with Silicon Valley Origins, but they have gradually broadened their perspective to include scientific, political, cultural, and academic topics.


Among their many, many topics, they also feature loneliness, and in this review, we take a look at some of their best talks on loneliness. Let’s get started.

The 3 Best Ted Talks on Loneliness

TED Talk – You Are Not Alone in Your Loneliness

This talk was presented at an official TED conference by Jonny Sun, who actually wears many different hats in this organization. He has been creating work across many different fields in different modes, and mostly speaks to the increased and expansive society that we live in.


You Are Not Alone in Your Loneliness covers being open and vulnerable while lonely. This is a time when you feel some fear and sadness and therefore, openness will help you find some comfort and feel less alone.

He shares how you can tell stories about your experiences to help you tap into an unexpected community and also help you find some silver lining in the darkness.

TED Talk - The Beauty of Being a Misfit

This talk was presented at an official TED conference by Lidia Yuknavitch and she navigates very clearly, the intersections of violence and tragedy and also draws some new roadmaps for the sake of self-discovery.


To anyone that feels like they do not belong, you need to understand that there is a beauty to being a misfit. The author shares her own story on her wayward journey through an intimate recollection of stories about shame, loss, and a slow but sure process of self-acceptance.

She says that even when she was at the point of failure, she was still beautiful. Most people do not know this yet, and therefore they end up sinking deep into depression. You need to know that you have the ability to reinvent yourself endlessly. There is beauty in being a misfit.

This particular author is an acclaimed novelist who has had her novels and memoirs published all over. 

TED Talks - What Investigating Neural Pathways Can Reveal About Mental Health

This particular talk was presented by Neuroscientist Kay M. Tye, as she investigated how your brain can give rise to complex emotional states such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness. 

She shares her latest findings from the cutting edge of science and this also includes some development of tools that can be used to activate certain and specific neurons that are able to create dramatic behavioral changes in you.

Her emphasis is to make discoveries that are able to change how you think about your mind and how you can possibly uncover some effective treatments for your mental disorders. This was a talk that had been sponsored by foundations such as the Kavli Foundation, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Simons Foundation as well.

Kay M. Tye, is the chair at the Salk Institute of Biological Studies and she heads the Systems Neuroscience laboratory. She is also a member of the Kavli Institute of Brain and Mind, plus she is also an adjunct faculty member of the University of California.

The 3 Best Ted Talks on Loneliness
Image Source: Live Kindly


It is always good to receive knowledgeable information about what you might be going through and TED Talks have been known to deliver the right kind of information to help you move to the next level. 

These particular talks on loneliness can help you understand yourself better and probably get out of the loneliness status to a more complete and happy human being. All the best. 

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