4 Ideas on How to Keep a Relationship Exciting

Treating something or someone as commonplace even if they are awe-inspiring and out-of-this-world happens when we get too familiar. Even the most thrilling and exhilarating relationship is bound to lose its sparkle with time. 

The world may have made you believe that if it’s true love, it won’t change, but that's not reality. However, just because it’s not the same as before doesn’t mean you have to have a boring relationship or end it.  


There are many things that couples can do to keep that thrill and excitement, but, of course, it would only work if both of you are willing to make it work. Here are some ideas to keep your relationship exciting.

4 Ideas on How to Keep a Relationship Exciting

Verbalize Your Feelings

As time goes, you feel that both of you have already heard all the mushy things you can say to each other. You assume that your partner already knows how you feel about him/her. That’s not always the case. 


Communicate your feelings verbally; do not expect that your love is already a given. Sometimes, your partner just needs to hear that you still love them despite being in a long-term relationship. 

Reminding each other how much you adore each other can make your relationship stronger because it somehow renews the giddy feeling you had during the first months of being in a relationship. 

However, verbalizing your feelings does not only end in saying I love you and sweet things. It also means telling your partner when you are hurt or not feeling well. The guessing game makes it harder so verbalizing is key.


Go on Dates Regularly

During the initial phase of the relationship, most couples schedule regular date nights and enjoy each other’s company. Unfortunately, it is sometimes replaced with random movie nights on the couch. 

Although the little things like that cannot be discounted, it is important to note that unplanned and spontaneous dates may not always work because it can make the relationship monotonous and dull. 

You have to spend quality time with each other away from all the usual activities that you do. 

Scheduling dates in a restaurant (not necessarily fancy) or going to concerts may need more effort, but you have to be reminded that effort is what actually makes a relationship last. 

Spend Time with Other Couples 

You need a constant reminder to keep the relationship exciting, so you may consider looking for couples who are trying their best to maintain their strong relationship. They may have creative and fun ideas that you can adopt yourselves. 

Their example of commitment can be good for you because it can reinforce the importance of staying together despite being with each other for a long time. Just pick up their good practices and work on it. 

But know that every relationship is different, so avoid the danger of comparing.

4 Ideas on How to Keep a Relationship Exciting

Set Goals Together

Goals do not have to be grandiose; it could mean a fitness goal like hitting the gym together four times a week despite your busy schedules. It may also mean a financial goal like saving to buy a gadget or booking that resort for the holidays. 

Creating some goals that you can work on as a team can open doors for more conversation and intimacy. However, be reminded that not all goals are meant to be set and solved with your partner.

It also helps to set a goal for yourself and just have your partner supporting you. 


Those romantic movies and novels may have you believed that romantic feelings are enough to sustain a relationship and make it exciting. Couples in a long-term relationship can attest that it’s not the case. 

Although strong and positive feelings can be a good foundation, you have to work your way to keep your relationship healthy and thrilling. You may start with the ideas above, but just choose what works for the relationship or partner that you have.

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