Long-Distance Relationships: How to Show Love from a Distance

The wise say; distance is just a test of how far love can travel. The truth however is long-distance relationships are not for the faint-hearted! There is no better way to put it.  

A long-distance relationship is usually full of stress and endless quarrels, simply because these kinds of relationships demand high levels of trust and transparency. Again, distance has a way of diluting the connection built between the two of you over time.


Distance will also deprive you of the deep kisses, long hugs, and nightly cuddles you usually enjoy when together. However, do not lose hope! There are so many ways to keep the romance fire burning in such kinds of relationships. Keep reading!

Long-Distance Relationships: How to Show Love from a Distance
Image Source: Amanda Pasciucco - The Sex Healer/YouTube.com

Sending Each Other Morning Texts

Initially, good morning and good night texts are a daily thing. So, don’t let it die as it does in most relationships. It is such a satisfying feeling for your partner to know that you had them in mind when you woke up and before you slept.

To further show care, you could enquire of their plan for the day or simply how their night was. How sweet!


Having Date Nights

Even distance can’t stop the creative mind from showing love. Simply because you are miles away from each other doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a sweet date. Something as simple as watching a favorite TV program together and having a chat about it later can go a long way in showing love. Try it and you’ll be amazed.

Sharing Photo Texts with Each Other

Technology should be your friend here. These photo messages demonstrate how you are thinking of your lover. A simple photo of your meal during a lunch break can portray how you wish you were sharing it with them.  

If it’s one of a beautiful garden, it can remind you both of the awesome picnics you had the last time you were together. Your love is getting stronger already!


Always Being Keen on Phone Calls

People in long-distance relationships spend a lot of time on the phone talking, no doubt. This can be challenging as most times we are on the phone while multitasking. Sometimes it’s the TV, or you’re doing laundry or maybe attending to your pet, etc.  

Whatever the case, you’d rather have a short quality call, where all parties are attentive to each other, than one filled with distractions all around. Give your partner undivided attention when on a call and see the difference it brings in your communication.

Send Each Other Care Packages to Make Your Love Interesting

A care package will achieve these three goals for you. It will bring unpredictability as it's unexpected, it will fill the receiver with joy which is something you should want for your lover, and finally, it will blow them away. Who wouldn’t want that?

Make Sure that The Next Visit Is Planned

Don’t always pop up unexpectedly! Yes, the surprises are good. However, knowing that you expect to meet your lover on a certain day gives you both something to look forward to. That sweet anticipation is a great way to strengthen your love for each other.

Find Time to Just Laugh Together

Laughter has a way of connecting people emotionally. Send them clips that you both find funny. In case they have a favorite animal (pet), send them images of that animal. Just show them you find their life interesting and fun.

These funny moments come in handy when you argue or disagree over something. They can be the humor that clears tension during such times.

Send Each Other Love Letters in the Form of E-mails or Snail Mails 

Texting is a common and convenient way of communicating between lovers today. However, you can’t say much with texts. In other words, texts can be limiting even though they are effective for short conversations.

Take time to put pen to paper the old school way or your finger to keyboard the millennial way. Whichever way, let your lover know exactly how you feel about them.  

Long-Distance Relationships: How to Show Love from a Distance
Image Source: Life Hack


With these tips, we are sure that you shall be able to make a big difference in your long-distance relationship, and that it shall work in the long run without having to go through the trouble of breaking up. We wish you all the best.

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