Discover These Anger Management Activities for Teens

Inappropriate, poorly controlled, and intense anger can impact a person’s relationship with others, and it can significantly affect one’s psychological well-being and quality of life. Teenage years tend to be the stage when teens’ emotions are on the extremes, especially in expressing anger

When teens express their anger, it could lead to being violent, which needs to be corrected through anger management activities for teens. You can determine if your teen is having a hard time managing anger through emotional, behavioral, and some verbal cues. 


Through the use of the right anger management activities for teens, they can change for the better in preparation for adulthood. Read on to learn about some anger management activities for teens.

Discover These Anger Management Activities for Teens
Image Source: Troubled Teens

What Is Anger Management?

Anger management is a skill that helps recognize signs of anger and finding effective ways to handle it positively. Managing anger doesn’t mean avoiding it, but it's more about using a futuristic approach to dealing with it. 

Teenagers who want to undergo an anger management program need to be patient, dedicated, and need to be willing to change. The goal of anger management activities for teens is to help them cope and control anger feelings in a peaceful way.


Practice Relaxation Techniques

If you noticed that you clench your fists, grind your teeth, and tense your muscles, you must find ways to relax physically. These are involuntary movements that the body creates when angry, and it usually signals aggressiveness

When you relax your body, you’ll be able to control your emotions more so you can think clearly. One of the effective ways to relax your muscle is to do proper breathing exercises

This not only relieves your tensed muscles, but it also regulates your heartbeat so you can feel better.  During your free time, meditation and yoga are the relaxation techniques you can do to boost calmness and concentration.


Get Physical Exercise

A way to improve mood to prevent frequent feelings of anger is through exercise. If you are not into doing actual exercises, find suitable physical activities for you to enjoy, like playing basketball, volleyball, soccer, etc. 

In this way, you are helping your body release endorphins, which are feel-good hormones. Being physically active makes you physically and mentally healthier

When you are already used to doing physical exercises and activities in your routine, you’ll notice that your mood will improve and your sleep is regulated, and your anxiety levels will decrease. All these help reduce feelings of anger and irritability easier. 

Keep a Journal

If you have difficulty expressing what you feel through words, it is advisable to have a journal or a diary to jot down what you think. It’s unnecessary to be consistent in doing it daily, but it will help to always do it every time you feel upset or angry. 

It’s ideal for inputting your feelings and how you will avoid feeling the same way in the future. The goal of keeping a journal is to ensure that the feelings inside won’t build up. 

This is one of the most recommended anger management techniques because, through writing, you cannot only express what you feel, but you can reflect on that emotion that you have about that particular situation. 

Listen to Music

Discover These Anger Management Activities for Teens
Image Source: Parents with Confidence

Listening to music is a way to feel relaxed and motivated. The choice of a song plays a significant role in changing your mood; that’s why if you are angry, choose inspirational or mellow songs to make you feel better. 

For some, listening to rock or heavy music makes them feel more aggressive, but to some who are into it, they can find inner peace, so it would depend on your preference. Distracting yourself with music is a way to focus on how to feel better.


Anger is a normal emotional response. However, when you are not able to control your anger, it might affect your relationship with other people. 

Controlling anger even if you are confronted in a difficult situation is a responsibility to ensure that you won't engage yourself in violent or aggressive behavior. Anger management activities are worth trying to help yourself for the better. 

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