It Is Possible to Calculate an Ovulation Period With This App

Planning a family is a very difficult task for a couple. You need to prepare for different aspects of your life, such as your finances and the many issues that come with raising a child. Apart from that, you also need to know the proper timing of getting pregnant, which is why you need to know how to calculate the ovulation period.


Knowing your ovulation period can help you decide when you want to be pregnant and time it perfectly so you can prepare for it. With the Period & Ovulation Calculator, you can do so without having to manually count down the days of your ovulation and your period. Let the app do it for you so you can rest easy and make good use of the time to prepare.

In this article, you will learn how to use the app, and its features, discover if it is possible to calculate your ovulation period with such an app, and more.

  • What Is the Period & Ovulation Calculator All About?
  • Why You Need to Download and Use This App
  • Track Your Safe Days with the Help of the App
  • Track Your Period for Health Reasons
  • Check Out These Amazing Features
It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: India

What Is the Period & Ovulation Calculator All About?

Period & Ovulation Calculator is a mobile app that lets you track down essential information such as your period, ovulation, and even down to the days that you are fertile.

It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: Healthyway

Women who want to get pregnant can use this app to track down the days that they are fertile, so they are better prepared to become pregnant. Every woman should have this app, not only those who want to get pregnant.


Sometimes, others simply want to track their period and ovulation. Using this app lets you be aware of your next period should it come in the next few days or more, making you more aware and prepared for the symptoms that may occur.

There are still so many things that you can do with the app, and you'll find more down below.

Downloading the Period & Ovulation Calculator on Your Mobile Phone

Having the app on your phone makes it accessible compared to your laptop or computer. This way, you can check and track your period, ovulation, and fertile days at the top of the screen.

Downloading this app can only be done at the Apple App Store since this app is exclusive to iOS devices. Search for the name of the app and tap the Install button. It will download the app on your mobile device and wait until it is fully installed.

The phone will scan the app and tap Open once it's done to launch the app. Remember to only download the app through this platform for your own safety and security.

Why You Need to Download and Use This App

There are a lot of benefits to using the Period & Ovulation Calculator app. It helps by telling you what your body is going through so you can understand it better.

It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: MIT Technology Review

One of the best benefits of using this app is that you can understand your unique cycle. Every woman has her unique menstruation cycle. Some experience regular monthly cycles, while others have either delayed or premature menstrual cycles.

There are even women who experience very unpredictable cycles. If you are aware of your cycle, you begin to feel more naturally attuned to your body and prepare yourself for what the cycle brings.

Listen to your body and start by using the app to help you understand your pattern.

The App Helps You Get Pregnant

Getting pregnant takes a lot of patience. It takes a lot more preparation than one might think. You also need to know that it is a complicated matter and requires proper timing to have the most optimal result. Couples who want to get pregnant should have this app on their phone.

Many women think that you can only get pregnant during your ovulation days but this can be very difficult to predict. You still want to give or take a few days of your proper ovulation day and that is if you have a predictable cycle.

If you truly want to have at least an accurate way of predicting your ovulation days, you will need to have this app on your phone. It tracks down your cycle so you'll know when your ovulation day comes and you'll be prepared for it.

Track Your Safe Days with the Help of the App

The app will not only help you track down the days that you are fertile, but it also helps you prevent getting pregnant. Learn how you can use the app to your advantage by learning about your fertile days.

It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: Apple App Store

Since the app tracks your ovulation days, you also get to control when you want to avoid getting pregnant. Tracking your safe days is important if you do not want to get pregnant.

While you may want to use protection during this time, it is still very important that you know that you are safe. Learn the number of safe days you get every cycle by using this ovulation app.

Every woman needs to be in control of her own body and, with the help of the Period & Ovulation Calculator, you get full control of your life.

Manage Your Mood Better

PMS can bring out the worst in people. Men will probably never understand the rollercoaster of emotions that women have to deal with at the onset of PMS. Women will also have to contend with the physical aspects of PMS such as bloating.

Not only that, your mood can immediately change at the onset of PMS so if you want to manage your mood better, you need to find an app that will help you achieve such a goal.

Having this app on your phone lets you know when your PMS will strike, thus helping you prepare for both the physical and psychological symptoms that you need to deal with. Nobody wants to deal with a woman having her PMS onslaught so you might as well suggest this app to every woman that you meet.

Track Your Period for Health Reasons

It is said that women suffer from many health issues from the moment they first have their period. From PMS to physical changes, this can be a very stressful experience that every woman has to go through.

It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: Apple App Store

Women often find themselves having to deal with many stresses in life and add even more stress through tracking down the menstrual cycle and all of that can take a toll on their health. The more you know about your body, the more you can work on getting it to a healthier state.

This is just one of the many reasons why the app helps you achieve a healthier you. Women who are always under stress usually develop irregular cycles and, sometimes, even delayed ovulation.

This should already give you an idea that you either need to work out or seek medical attention if you know you are having some irregularities in your menstrual cycle.

Have a Better Sex Life

It was always considered taboo for women to talk about sex and having a better sex life in the past. But today, women are now more open to talking about sex, and how they can have better sex, and achieve a healthier sex life.

A woman with a healthy sex life lives an overall healthy life. Your sex drive is connected to your period. You should notice that during the days towards your ovulation that you feel a higher sex drive than before and that's normal.

Sex is always healthy and having a better understanding of how your body works will help you promote a healthy sex life. Additionally, you also get what you desire the most without having to worry about getting pregnant or losing track of your period.

Check Out These Amazing Features

Apart from all the benefits, you get from using the Period & Ovulation Calculator app, here are some of the best features that you will surely make using the app even better.

It Is Possible to Calculate Ovulation Period With These Apps
Image Source: Apple App Store

The app has a very user-friendly interface which makes navigating very simple and easy. There is pin lock protection so nobody other than you can have access to the app.

You can track your period, ovulation, fertile, and safe days all on the app.

Find Out When You’re Expected to Give Birth

There are a lot of features to help you with your period and ovulation but the app makes it even further by giving you what you need when you do get pregnant.

The app also has a pregnancy test date tracker so you'll know the exact date when you got pregnant and track your next doctor's appointment.

You also get to see when you'll be expected to give birth through the expected labor date as recommended on the app.


Whether you want to get pregnant or simply want to live a healthier life, it is always important that you know how to track your menstrual cycle. It is part of your life as a woman so keeping track of your period helps you live a better life especially when it's that time of the month.

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