3 Telephone Job Interview Tips

When you are actively searching for a job, one of the ways for you to get the position is doing good in your interview. Nowadays, there are different ways in which employers conduct interviews. 

If there are a lot of applicants for a particular position, most employers will conduct the first round of interviews over the phone. From this, they’ll select potential candidates for a face-to-face meeting. 


However, how you exert effort in a face-to-face interview should be the same effort you exert through phone interviews. Read on to learn some telephone job interview tips that are worth knowing to help you get the job.

3 Telephone Job Interview Tips

Research the Company

There is a notion that telephone job interviews are easier because you don’t have to prepare what you will wear and not face the interviewer. But, that is not true.


Before attending a telephone interview, it’s ideal to know important information about the company who will call you. 

Check the company’s website or social media accounts to be familiar with their culture, mission, and vision.Your employer will sense if you are well prepared by the way how you answer the interview questions. 

Make sure that If you saw something interesting about the company, you can ask the interviewer about it when you have a chance so that the interviewer will have an impression that you are passionate about working with them. 


Research Ensures Reputation

Researching about the company is not only for the interview’s sake, but it is also for protection to ensure that the company that you are applying for has a good reputation. 

There are also some companies that ask the candidate about the company. It would be a plus point if you would know what to say when prompted. It is also important to know beforehand who will conduct the interview.

Have Focus

When you are conducting the interview at home, there may be a lot of interruptions, such as background noise. Find a spot in your home where background noise is minimal. 

For you to be concentrated during the interview, turn off the television or your computer. When you are distracted, it will be difficult for you to answer the interviewer’s questions. 

The interviewer will sense if you are not attentive, especially when there is dead air when you are about to answer. 

Find a spot where you are comfortable but not too relaxed that will make you sleepy. It could be tempting to lie down while doing the interview, but you can concentrate more if you sit properly. 

Be Ready for Interview Questions

3 Telephone Job Interview Tips

If the telephone interview is just an initial interview, expect to receive some surface level questions. Examples are written below.

  • “Tell me something about yourself” 
  • “What made you apply to our company?” 
  • "What do you know about our company?” 
  • "What are your previous experiences?” 
  • "What are your skills?” 

The set of questions asked will depend on who will interview you. If you are speaking to a recruiter agent, they’ll probably ask you similar questions, but if you are already speaking with a supervisor or the head of the company, expect to get more questions about your role in the company

It’s good to have an idea about what to answer with this kind of question so that you’ll be confident in answering them. 


These telephone job interview tips are just simple things that you can do that will help you get favorable results. If it’s your first time having a telephone job interview, treat the experience similarly to a one-on-one interview, so you won’t be too complacent and relaxed. 

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