Why Writing Goals Down Helps People Achieve Them

There you go again. You’re thinking about everything you want to accomplish along with everything you have to do. This tends to be a recipe for disaster as it takes a lot more willpower to turn thinking into doing.

To turn those dreams into actions, writing goals down is the first, and most important, step. The process of transferring your thoughts into words on paper will allow you to not only visualize your goals but verbalize them as well, making them much more attainable.


So, go ahead and take out all those goal-setting planners you have piled up on your desk and start writing down your most important objectives. It might seem pointless at first, but you’ll already start to feel more organized and accomplished.

How to Write Goals

Honestly, it doesn’t matter how or where you start writing down your goal. An efficient step is to actually start putting those thoughts down with any pen to paper.

You can scribble your plans on a sticky note and post them around your office or house to constantly keep your eyes on the prize. You can even set aside 5 minutes every morning to write goals down in a bedside journal.


When it comes to writing goals, there is no magic formula. However, there are important things to keep in mind to ensure that you're writing your goals proficiently.

You must be able to write down your goals in a clear and concise manner. You should also write them down in places that serve as significant reminders for yourself, no matter where that may be.

Shortly after getting into the habit of what works best for you, you’ll be able to successfully conceptualize your goals.


Inc. Magazine’s Peter Economy wrote in his article that written goals add to the overall success of your objectives as it is an important factor that helps boost motivation.

This proves that writing goals down forces you to take a proactive step towards actualizing your objectives, no matter how big or small they may be. Furthermore, writing goals helps you stay organized because you can rank your objectives in order of importance.

Are Written Goals More Successful?

The goals you set out for yourself are only as successful as the work you put in to achieve them. With that being said, if you’re constantly making efforts by writing your goals down on a piece of paper, then you’re reminding yourself of the task at hand.

In this case, you’ll be more likely to stick to your goals and actually accomplish them rather than just daydream about them.

Getting an organizer or having a designated notebook for your objectives will help you put all the things you have to do to reach your end goal in order.

Additionally, you can get into the habit of breaking down your goal into smaller tasks that can be completed daily, allowing you to easily view and track your progress. This will also let you adjust your planning based on what’s left to be completed, minimizing stress.


Overall, it’s no surprise that thoughts tend to be disorganized, jumbled, and even underdeveloped.

However, when you write down your goals, you are not only compelled to form a clear objective, but you are forced to constantly think about how your daily activities are advancing you towards achieving your end goal. It’s never too late to start.

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