Try the 30 Day Declutter Challenge

Don’t we all get busy in the hustle and bustle of life and only realize in the long run that some things have been pushed to the side? If you are a working mother, your priorities are most likely your family, job and for some, maybe spare some time for exercises and social life. 

When the above is your daily schedule, you realize you have little to no time to declutter your home. Therefore, you’ll keep getting new things and piling them on to the old ones that you no longer use which will lead to a stuffy home. 


There is a misconception that decluttering requires a lot of time. However, you can use a few minutes daily to declutter your home in this 30-day challenge. Learn more below.

Try the 30 Day Declutter Challenge
Image Source: Wikihow

What is a 30-Day Declutter Challenge?

A 30-Day Declutter challenge is a simple one-month long plan intended to show you how you can organize your home without feeling pressured or overwhelmed. It teaches you how decluttering your home is essential for your home and your body too. 

The main goal is to show you that you don’t need a lot of time to organize and tidy your home, as this is an excuse that many people give for a cluttered home.


Moreover when you learn how to clean and organize your home on a daily basis, it becomes a routine. Decluttering daily will becomes a habit that sticks and you’ll also start wondering where you find the time to do all the tidying and still take on your other tasks. Ladies and gentlemen, here is the 30-Day Declutter Challenge.

Day 1- Organise your closet by sorting, folding and hanging the necessary clothes and shoes.

Day 2 - Empty the junk drawer of all its contents and create room for more. 


Day 3 - Clean the kitchen cabinets.

Day 4 - It's time to clean the TV stand.

Day 5 - Thoroughly clean the bathroom cabinets.

Day 6 - Clean the fridge both inside and out.

Day 7 - Sort your mails both on your phone and laptop.

Day 8 - Go through your old shoes to see which ones to keep and which to donate.

Day 9 - Time to clean your car.

Day 10 - It's time to rid your wallet of old receipts and other papers.

Day 11 - Clean out your medicine cabinet.

Day 12 - Clean the pantry.

Day 13 - Clean the laundry room.

Day 14 - Clean your linen closet.

Day 15 - It's the day you clean and organize the garage.

Day 16 - Clean the dining table/area.

Day 17 - Organize and clean your makeup table/ area.

Day 18 - Consider cleaning kitchen counters

Day 19 - Time to declutter your phone of apps you don’t use, old messages and pictures.

Day 20 - Sort and organize your cleaning equipment.

Day 21 - Today, consider organizing all your computer files and documents.

Day 22 - Clean and organize books and magazines.

Day 23 - Clean and sort your underwear and socks.

Day 24 - It's time to clean the freezer.

Day 25 - Clean and organize your working area/ office desk.

Day 26 - Organize and clean your living room.

Day 27 - Clean, sort and organize toys and the toy area.

Day 28 - Clean and empty your backpack and/or purse.

Day 29 - Consider donating all the unused items you gathered. These can include shoes, clothes, toys, electrical equipment, etc.

Day 30 - Consider deep cleaning especially of the floors, under beds, etc. 

Try the 30 Day Declutter Challenge
Image Source: Wikihow

Benefits of a 30-Day Declutter Challenge

  • It helps you clean all the areas in your house, including the gadgets you use.
  • When you clean daily, it creates a cleaning habit that sticks.
  • It helps you create space in your house by getting rid of unused and old items.
  • It helps you achieve a clean and tidy home while using a few minutes daily.
  • You can achieve a clean and tidy home while still finding time for your other responsibilities.

Bottom Line

Follow this 30-Day declutter challenge and see how much you can achieve in a month. All it requires is a few minutes daily to clean a part of your home. By the end of the month, your house will be organized, clean and spacious. However, it requires consistency.

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