Tips for Storage and Better Organization

They say that tidying up is life-changing magic, and it’s true. Whether you are all in on the Marie Kondo Craze, or you just need to clear some mess in your home before the guests arrive, our organizing tips will make your home seem like a new home once you are done.

Organization tips help you tackle the clutter in all areas of your home, and they deal with all sorts of spaces. The most visited rooms such as bathrooms, bedrooms, and the kitchen should be your top priority, and these are also the catch-all for everything.


With the tips in this article, you'll be able to free up some extra space you did not know you needed and which can help give you more decorating ideas.

Tips for Storage and Better Organization
Image Source: YouTube

Here Are Our Best Tips

Create a Command Station

Tips for Storage and Better Organization

You could start small. Get some adhesive pockets and place them on the inside of your spice cabinet, where you shall be keeping your grocery lists, on-the-spot recipes, coupons and any other small list you wish to have at all times.

This makes it very easy especially while cooking, to trace a specific recipe you might need to get the job done. The command station is definitely your go-to place while in the kitchen. Remember to add a pen in the loop so you could also jot down something when you need to do so.


Get a Shelf Riser

Tips for Storage and Better Organization

If your linen closet is literally bursting at the seams, do not worry, you can actually be able to add some racks either at the bottom or on top of your linen closet to create more space. 

You could also do an over-the-door kind of hanger that will create for you out-of-sight storage space. Your extra table cloths, towers, and throw pillows can now finally fit into the little storage space without any issue.

Use Drawer Organizers

Tips for Storage and Better Organization

Drawer organizers can help de-clutter a messy drawer. Although you may think  “out of sight is out of mind,” since the drawers are almost always closed, it doesn’t really make you productive if you are always having to look for something you need in your messy drawer.


A drawer organizer will help you keep things as per their need and use. This makes it easy for you to find what you need whenever you need it. Things such as nail polish, pens, pencils and even paper clips will always end up in their own space.

Practice File Folding

Tips for Storage and Better Organization

Folding t-shirts or towels in an upright position as shown in the image above makes it easy to find everything you need immediately. When you open your drawer, you are able to see everything at once.

This is what we call file folding. It can also help to color code the clothes from light to dark for a more added organization of the clothes you need to find quickly.

Tips for Storage and Better Organization
Image Source: Nfmlending


You will agree that when you become more organized, you end up being even more productive at whatever you are doing. These tips will help keep your home more organized and productive, as you'll always quickly find whatever you need. All the best.

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