Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy

Acne can be a very debilitating condition, especially when we are younger. The effects of having acne can take its toll well into adulthood, but fortunately, there is still hope for many people who suffer from acne.

There are a lot of proper acne treatments nowadays, but sometimes, they can be very complicated. There are so many ways for you to take good care of your skin, treat acne, and prevent it from ever coming back, leaving you with healthier skin and more confidence.


Check out the article below to learn more about how to have clear skin made easy with proper acne treatment.

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: BeBeautiful

Determine Your Skin Type First

Before you start your acne treatment, it is important that you determine your skin type first. There are several skin types that you should know about. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Topline MD

One can have dry skin that often becomes flakey and itchy, while others can have oily skin due to humidity, which can cause oil and sebum to clog the pores, causing major breakouts. 


Others have both oily and dry skin, and alternatives between them depend on external factors. 

Identifying your skin type allows you to determine the kind of acne treatment that you need to have to have better results.

Wash Your Face With the Right Cleanser

One very simple and effective acne treatment is washing your face daily with the proper cleanser. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Business Insider

Now that you have already determined your skin type, choose the cleanser that suits your skin

Wash your face every day to remove sweat, sebum, oil, and dead skin, which are the main causes of acne. 

Cleansing and washing the skin on your face helps keep all of these factors away, thus keeping you away from acne breakouts in the future.

Never Pop Your Pimples

One of the many reasons why people suffer from confidence issues with acne is due to acne scars. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Derick Dermatology

Acne scars happen when you pop your pimples without proper instruments and without following the medical procedure. You might be tempted to pop your pimples, but it is still not advisable. 

This can lead to secondary infection, which can worsen your acne breakout. It can also lead to scarring, which is by far one of the worst side effects of having acne. 

Again, never attempt to pop your pimples on your own. Always have it done in a sterile environment conducted by professionals.

Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize

Many people suffer from intense skin dryness, which often leads to dead skin cells accumulating in the upper layer of the skin. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Beauty Med

The best way to beat dry skin and prevent acne breakouts is to moisturize after you cleanse the skin

There are many moisturizers out there, but be careful when choosing one. Most moisturizers end up clogging your pores, which can trigger an acne breakout. 

Make sure that you consult a dermatologist first to try and determine the type of moisturizer that suits your skin type the best.

Avoid Makeup During Your Breakout Days

To prevent your acne from getting worse, you should always get some proper rest and avoid putting too much makeup on your face. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: SELF Magazine

Makeup can be very clogging to the skin, which can worsen your acne. 

If you must put on makeup either for work or when you are going out, make sure that the makeup is not heavy enough that it clogs your pores. 

Choose makeup products that are non-comedogenic to reduce the chances of getting even more acne than you currently have.

Apply Proper Sunscreen

Another very underrated way to treat acne and prevent it from ever happening is to apply proper sunscreen

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Proactiv

Your skin is very delicate, and even just one external factor can cause an acne breakout. 

Protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun and prevent the onset of acne by applying proper sunscreen

Remember to use non-comedogenic products to avoid clogging your pores. If possible, try to stay out of the sun.

Use Natural Products to Feed Your Skin

There are a lot of natural products with natural ingredients that can help in treating your acne. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: MindBodyGreen

Most products today are usually made from natural ingredients that combat acne. 

Some of these include witch hazel, which has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties that soothe the skin and minimize acne breakouts, as well as tea tree oil, which has antibacterial properties

Feed your skin with these natural remedies to achieve clear skin.

Exfoliation is a Must

Exfoliation is a process that removes the dead skin cells at the top layer of your skin. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Allure

Your skin is constantly renewing itself and pushes the older skin layer upwards. This means that the topmost layer of the skin is filled with older and oftentimes, dead skin cells

These dead skin layers can clog up your pores, which can cause infection, leading to acne breakouts. 

You can prevent this from happening by exfoliating properly. Use any exfoliating cleanser of your choice, depending on your skin type.

Change Your Diet and Drink Lots of Water

You might not know it, but your diet and water intake also play a huge role in treating acne. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Healthline

Eating unhealthy food can cause you to have major acne breakouts, and drinking less water makes your skin dry, which further causes acne. 

Try to change your diet by eating healthy food and drinking lots of water to keep your skin moisturized from the inside out.

When to Call the Doctor for Your Acne

There are times when you've already done the best that you can do to get clear skin, but you're still suffering from acne breakouts. 

Proper Acne Treatment: Clear Skin Made Easy
Image Source: Potomac Pediatrics

If your acne does not improve after 6 to 8 weeks of using the products and treatment, it is time that you reach out to your dermatologist for help. 

Moderate to severe acne should always be checked by a medical professional to avoid secondary infection. 

If you suffer from acne scarring, there are several treatment plans to correct your skin and control your acne.


With the help of this treatment plan, you will surely have a better skin tone and better confidence now that you are less prone to acne breakouts. Always remember that having proper acne treatment can take several weeks before you can see the results. Trust the process and continue to work on your self-care to see the difference.

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