Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free

You might be wondering why you haven't gotten your period for a few weeks now knowing full well that you are regular. There are a lot of factors to consider first before you begin to suspect that you might be pregnant. For those who want to cut to the chase, there is an online pregnancy test that you can do to find out immediately.


These online pregnancy tests consider a lot of factors, as well as your health, before they can determine the result. Many are proven to point out that you might be pregnant while others simply offer you a different solution. Always be careful when you take these tests and a doctor's appointment will surely clear your mind.

To learn more about these online pregnancy tests, how they work, how to do them for free, and more, check out the guide below.

  • These Are Some of the Best Ways to Determine If You’re Pregnant
  • What Are the Common Symptoms of Pregnancy?
  • How Long Does This Online Pregnancy Test Take?
  • Learn How to Take the Pregnancy Test
  • How Accurate Are These Pregnancy Tests?
Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Babylist

These Are Some of the Best Ways to Determine If You’re Pregnant

The most succinct way of determining whether you're pregnant or not is to have a doctor's appointment. Many women often do not have time or money to seek professional help just to determine if they are pregnant or not.

Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Trovo Academy

There are still other ways to identify a pregnancy, such as the early symptoms of pregnancy and a pregnancy test that you can buy at your local pharmacy. Many of these pregnancy test kits are a good way to determine if you're pregnant.


You simply add a little bit of your urine to it and wait for a couple of minutes before you receive the result. You can also take an online pregnancy test where you answer several questions about the symptoms that you've experienced, your history, and other factors that are being considered. By then, you can finally decide to see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

The Importance of Knowing If You’re Pregnant or Not

Pregnancy is a delicate situation for a woman. A lot of women suffer from miscarriages simply because they did not know they were pregnant to begin with. Many women often think that this is just a glitch or a delay in their menstrual cycle.

This often leads to them having the same lifestyle, such as going out on weekends drinking and smoking or doing strenuous physical activities that might harm the baby.

Soon, they discover that they are pregnant, which might already be too late as the baby has developed several health issues due to such a lifestyle. This can also be very dangerous to the mother, so it is always important to know if you are pregnant.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Pregnancy?

Many women often find it too late to determine that they are already pregnant simply because they do not know the common symptoms of pregnancy. One determining symptom of pregnancy can be immediately identified by simply checking the last day of your menstruation.

Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Times of India

If it has been weeks or months since your last day, this should give you an idea that you may be pregnant, especially if you recently had unprotected sex.

There are other symptoms such as tender breasts, nausea, vomiting, especially in the morning, bloating, constipation, and if you're urinating way more often than usual.

Sometimes, these symptoms can be misunderstood as PMS which is very common for women especially if this is their first time. If you are showing these symptoms, it is time to get a pregnancy test.

What to Do During the Online Pregnancy Test

Say you want to know if you're pregnant or not before you go to the doctor's office. You want to take the online pregnancy test, but you don't know what to do. Start by taking online tests. You will be asked different kinds of interactive questions about your experience.

You will need to answer them as truthfully as possible to have a more accurate result. Most of the questions will be about your sexual activity and how you are currently feeling.

Once done, you will have a result that either suggests you need to take a home pregnancy test for further testing or not.

How Long Does This Online Pregnancy Test Last?

Doing an online pregnancy test can be quite a hassle if you're stuck answering hundreds of questions. These questions often pertain to your experience and how your body is doing right now.

Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Techhong

Many of these online pregnancy tests only take a few minutes to answer so you don't have to waste a lot of your precious time.

These online pregnancy tests are also considered a type of telemedicine that is gaining popularity nowadays with the current worldwide situation. The test needs to be answered thoroughly so you'll get accurate results.

How Do Common Pregnancy Tests Work?

Many of the common pregnancy tests involve either blood or urine, which is extracted and examined at the doctor's office. During pregnancy, there are a lot of hormones being secreted by the body, which causes all the signs and symptoms that you might be experiencing right now.

Hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin are just some of the hormones that determine if you're pregnant or not due to their high levels. This exact hormone is produced by the placenta once the fertilized egg has been implanted after a few days.

This hormone is present in the urine. If it is present, the pregnancy test will come out positive which has a very high chance that you are indeed pregnant.

Learn How to Take the Pregnancy Test

These tests can be done at home by simply adding a sample of urine to the kit. Make sure that you add the sample midstream to prevent any cases of error during the process.

Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Medimetry

Check and compare your results based on the visual aid from the box to see if you are pregnant or not. There is no specific time of the day when you should be doing the pregnancy test. It doesn't have to be done in the morning or right after you wake up.

Most of these pregnancy test kits can be found at the drugstore or supermarkets and often give the quickest result. It the results are positive, you can finally book an appointment with your doctor to receive sound advice on what to do next.

Pregnancy Test Results

There are still very rare cases where it might come out as a false positive. However, you are much more likely to get a false negative with a pregnancy test. Some results can turn out to be unreliable because you did not follow the instructions carefully which has tampered with the results.

Another case would be that you might have taken the test too early. This is the reason why you should always identify your last period or at least find out when you last had sex. In addition, some medications can affect the results.

If you receive a negative result and you still experience pregnancy symptoms, go ahead and speak to your doctor for a second test.

How Accurate Are These Pregnancy Tests?

There are a lot of concerns regarding the accuracy of pregnancy tests. No one wants to receive a result saying they are pregnant and do the preparation only to find out that they are not pregnant at all.

Online Pregnancy Test - Learn How to Do for Free
Image Source: Babylist

Such inaccurate results can be very devastating for the woman, especially if they want to get pregnant. For women who do want to get pregnant, having the highest accuracy should always be your priority.

Fortunately, many of these pregnancy tests are very accurate in providing you with the results. These tests have been proven to have around 97% accuracy, so you are assured you'll always get the correct results.

What to Do After Getting a Positive Result

Many women often feel overwhelmed after getting the result of the test. Getting a positive test result is a life-changing experience and a decision has to be made.

Those who want to continue with the pregnancy should immediately call their doctor and schedule an appointment. They will give you recommendations on what to do if you're a first-time mother.

If you do not wish to continue with the pregnancy, discuss this with your healthcare professional and see if there are options such as continuing with the pregnancy and giving the baby up for adoption, or having an abortion if it is available in your country.


Pregnancy is a complicated process, and it involves a lot of serious conversations and decisions. Being able to determine if you're pregnant early on will help you prepare for the direction that you want with your life. Having an online pregnancy test is part of that critical decision-making process.

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