Life Hack - Workbench Organization Tips

Sometimes workbenches can get real messy, and you may try to justify this by the fact that serious work needs to be messy, but there is a difference between chaos and clutter. A chaotic workspace is unsanitary, unsafe, and totally unacceptable

If you constantly ask yourself – “what the heck happened to my hammer?” Or “now where did that wrench go?” Then you are dealing with chaos that must be addressed and dealt with before things get totally out of hand.


For true diehard DIYer, you will agree with us that an organized workbench makes the workflow freely and easily. When you can find what you need, then you can move your project ahead without any major mishaps. In this review, we take a look at some organization tips for your workbench. Let’s get this discussion started.

Life Hack - Workbench Organization Tips

You’ve probably heard an often quoted saying that messy people are the most creative, and the most innovative, but these are just simple justifications for being messy that have been fabricated by messy people in the first place. But, if you are smart, you understand that nothing good comes out of a messy situation

Make All Tools Easily Reachable

Not every place will have unlimited space. This is why you need a pegboard. It comes in quite handy. The set up allows you to actually hang and store your tools on the wall. This makes them easily reachable in the space you are operating in.


A pegboard can also hold adjustable hooks, bins, and magnetic sheets for tools of all sizes. From the power saws to bolts and stray nuts, all of them can fit easily on the pegboard. On this board, everything has a place to stay, and there is space for everything.

This is a smart way to use space. It will not only make the work more efficient, but the space shall also be a safer environment for you. 

If you have employees, they shall no longer have to stop what they are doing in order to find the right nails or hammers for the job. The less the tools are left scattered and unattended, the fewer the accidents shall be.


Utilize Your Space

This is actually the key to organization; using all of the available space. Do this by ensuring that you install workbenches that have bins, drawers, and totes. These create more storage than you have, and it makes it easier for you to keep everything nice and tidy.

Use dividers that can systemize small items such as screws and nails, and wall-mounted cabinets. These will make the space extremely practical to use. 

Additionally, making the workbench mobile by having a rolling tool cabinet will make it easy to safely move tools anywhere around the space.

Put Labels on Everything

It shouldn’t matter whether you are working with 5 people or 500 of them. Label everything in the workbench. This is the smartest way of ensuring that tools can be found with ease. 

The workers should be able to put their names on the tools they use, so there isn’t any mix-up.

This is a tedious exercise and task, but it is worth doing, especially when trying to ensure that space is organized and that workflows efficiently.

Outlining Your Tools

It may seem a little old-fashioned to do this, but when you outline the tools on the pegboard, you make it easier to put them back. Just like a puzzle, everything has got a spot. 

A quick hint: do not use anything permanent so that there will be the simple option of switching things around in the future.

Have Lots of Light 

Ensure that there is plenty of light in the area where you are working from, so that it can also be very easy for you to find what you need and quickly. 

Life Hack - Workbench Organization Tips
Image Source: Instructables


Organization really is the key to efficiency. It may seem like too much work to ensure that everything is in the right place, but in the end, you will be grateful that you did this, as it ensures that everything can be found when needed, and accidents are minimized. All the best as you get your workbench organized!

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