How to Deal with Lost Motivation at Work

Some days when you wake up and about to jumpstart your day, you sense a force inside you that will stop you from doing so. You sit down, except this time you're sitting down quietly, and suddenly, there's clearly no longer the feeling where you once were so enthusiastic and energized to take action. 

You're trying to hype and motivate yourself up, but it doesn't give you a spark, and everything you're doing seems counterintuitive. You are facing reality. Today you don't want to work and don't feel inspired to do anything but flee. 


You feel a little helpless, confused, and trapped without the inspiration. Check out these strategies on how to deal with lost motivation at work

How to Deal with Lost Motivation at Work
Image Source: PayScale 

See the Bigger Picture

Visualize yourself climbing to the peak of a mountain and gazing down at the valley you leave below. Though you spend much of your time living your daily life in the valley, solving everyday problems, and overcoming obstacles, you gain a new perspective when you ascend to the mountain's top. 

You have a bird-eye view of the layout of the village, the shops, and the roads.


You can see things clearly from this angle that may not have been so evident elsewhere; roads are not straight, houses and shops may not be correctly located. Moving up to the top allows you to observe and fix or improve stuff you would miss otherwise. 

It's a chance to ask yourself: "How can I make things better?"

Change Your Working Environment

Look at your workspace and surroundings right now. Does it make you feel motivated? Does it give you inspiration? Often the most challenging things we do is try to trick ourselves into working in an environment that screams at us subconsciously, "I can't work here."


Instead, try to build your ideal working space. Free it from distractions. Maybe add a piece of artwork to the wall or a quote from your favorite person to give you inspiration. 

You can perhaps even add a beautiful plant in the corner. If you know the advantage of working in a lively atmosphere, you will naturally feel empowered and driven to do the job.

Learn to Relax

It might be a possible indication that you are working too hard if you are trying to pressure your way into taking action. Learn to relax. Trust yourself, let the world work for you, and spend some time getting yourself in the right frame before you go to work. 

Inspiration can come to you from several directions – inside and out – and will give you the motivation to lead you towards your goals.

Recall Your Purpose

Take a step back and recall why you chose your career. 

How energetic, eager, and passionate have you been? What positive memories do you have with your leaders and colleagues? Did it feel like you are getting near your goals? With a little more focus, you might feel this fantastic again. 

You just need to focus your thoughts and use them to your benefit, towards happy memories. Remembering your purpose and how you were feeling helps improve motivation

How to Deal with Lost Motivation at Work
Image source: Pertemps 


We get caught in a slump sometimes. If you're not a hundred percent enthusiastic about your career, it's hard to wake up feeling inspired every day. 

The dreadful feeling that you've lost the passion and begun to go autopilot must have been induced by stress and previously unresolved workplace issues. You can always use the above strategies to help you recover your lost inspiration.

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