Is there anyone that doesn’t love to stay in an organized and tidy home? How do you feel when you come home tired from work to be welcomed by an untidy, littered and dirty house? Such a home makes you more tired, overwhelmed and even anxious.
When you know you left your home untidy, you dread coming back to it in the evening. Imagine trying to make dinner and you can’t seem to find pans, spices, foodstuffs etc. All these situations are bound to stress even the strongest of people.
There is no doubt that a disorganized and cluttered space affects us mentally. Do you want to know how an organized environment helps our mental health? Read on

Organized Space Improves Sleep
Have you tried to sleep in a dirty and cluttered room? Chances are you will not find sleep. Your mind needs to feel at ease and comfortable for you to sleep well. But it is hard to be at ease with a disorganized space.
If a room is disorganized, the beddings also are likely to be dirty, carrying dust etc. These beddings will be itchy, no matter how many times you shower or dust them. A cluttered space is also prone to spiders, ants and cockroaches. It might be impossible to find sleep amidst all this.
Improves Relationships
People love to relate with organized and clean people. If your friends visit you but can hardly find a place to step or sit because your house is littered all over, they might not visit again.
If some of them are so keen on cleanliness, they might withdraw from associating with you for fear of contracting diseases. Remember a dirty environment is a breeding ground for disease causing organisms.
Reduces Anxiety and Depression
A cluttered environment coupled with other daily pressures of life like job, family and other responsibilities can lead to depression and anxiety hence affecting one's mental health.
Imagine if you have to leave work tired only to get home to a cluttered and dirty environment. This is bound to lower your morale. Life alone can be depressing sometimes but it gets worsened by a dirty space.

Makes You More Productive
If you have an organized working space, you can easily find what you need in the shortest time. When you put the things you frequently use close, it saves you time and hence you become more productive. The time you spend searching for items is reduced and you can use that time to focus on more productive activity.
Helps You Focus on Wellness and Fitness
Being organized has other benefits like helping you focus on other important areas of your life such as wellness and fitness. Eating greens, boiled foods, vegetables and other healthy foods requires sacrifice and discipline. You must be at a good place mentally to consistently eat your healthy foods.
You can also organize your kitchen cabins in a way where you put your vegetables and fruits close and keep junk and processed foods furthest.
This will help you maintain your wellness plan as opposed to when you have to literally search everywhere for your healthy food and might end up settling for whatever food you find. This kind of organization will make you lose weight, look good and ultimately feel good about yourself.
Bottom Line
Staying and working in an organized space will improve your mental health by improving relationships, relieving stress and anxiety and avoiding depression.
An organized space also helps you become more productive as you spend less time searching for items. Also, you will sleep better in a tidy space which is paramount for your mental health and functioning.