Here Is the Best Way to Clean a Fabric Couch

Stains, dirt, cooking odors, and pet hair make the couch a mess. There are many commercially available cleaning products in the market, but not all effectively clean and sanitize upholstered furniture. The sofa is one of the centerpieces of the house.

People in the house and guests use it; that’s why it's essential to always ensure that it's clean and in pristine condition. When you own a fabric couch, regular maintenance is needed to make sure to preserve its condition and for it to last.


Don't let tough stains and dirt destroy the beauty of your furniture. Check these best ways on how to clean a fabric couch.

Here Is the Best Way to Clean a Fabric Couch
Image Source: Friday Magazine

Step 1: Review the Cleaning Tags

When you purchase the sofa, there are fabricator instructions included. The way of cleaning the couch depends on the fabric used to ensure that it will not be damaged when clean. If the sofa's fabric is quite delicate, the manufacturer will reiterate the ways on how to clean it properly, or the salesperson would inform you about it.

In some couches, there are certain cleaning code tags included so that you would know the proper way of cleaning the fabric couch.

  • W  - Clean the area with water or water-based cleaner only.
  • S/W - Solvents and water-based cleaners are safe to use.
  • S - It indicates the use of solvent-based cleaner only.
  • X - Safe for vacuum cleaning only.

Step 2: Check the Stain

The couch can get smelly, dirty, and can get stains from cooking odors, dust, and food spills. If you spot a stain, check whether it can be wiped off using an ordinary cleaner or if it needs deep cleaning through the use of a vacuum cleaner.

Stains and dirt that sit on your fabric couch for so long can be difficult to remove; that's why it is essential to do a general cleaning once in a while. Here are the ways on how to clean stains on your fabric couch.

  • Remove loose stains. Use a dry brush to clean the whole couch for dirt, dust, and lose stains.
  • Use a hand-held vacuum. There are types of vacuum cleaners that can do both removals of stains and sanitize.
  • Clean with baking soda. Baking soda is useful for the removal of dirt and odors. It can be applied to deep stains. However, it is usually best partnered with lemon or vinegar, which are acidic. These can put damage your couch, so make your research about the nature of your sofa to know if it can be used effectively.
  • Use of commercially available products. Some cleaning products contain abrasive chemicals; that's why conducting a small test in hidden areas to check if there will be a reaction to the fabric is beneficial.

Step 3: Keep it Dry

As you go on with your cleaning regimen, you may have used liquid-based cleaners that leave the area wet. Make sure to dry it immediately to avoid molds and dirt build-up You may dry out under the sun or make use of a steamer.

Here Is the Best Way to Clean a Fabric Couch
Image Source: Green Box

Tips on Cleaning a Fabric Couch

  • Clean your fabric sofa regularly. It's easier to remove stains on your fabric sofa if you clean it periodically.
  • Remove odors. Aside from cleaning the surface, make use of deodorizers to sanitize and make the sofa fresh.
  • If you have toddlers or babies at home, invest in a sofa cover to temporarily protect the fabric from milk spills, drools, food, etc.
  • Make use of a lint remover to make the couch look new.


Regularly cleaning your couch not only extends its lifetime but also keeps your space looking and smelling good. When stains and dirt get grounded into your fabric couch, its lifespan decreases; that’s why it’s essential always to maintain its cleanliness. A clean couch will keep away allergens, molds, and bacteria that may harm the health.

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