Check Out These Hacks for Applying Eyeliner

Eyeliner can change your entire look if you know how to apply it correctly. If you can learn how to make a perfect shape, you can impress anyone without any problem. 

Eyeliner can change your look from simple to extraordinary. However, it is a daunting task to apply eyeliner without any mistakes. 


In this article, we will discuss how to apply eyeliner. Moreover, how you can avoid common mistakes to get accurate shape

Check Out These Hacks for Applying Eyeliner

Start With Pencil Eyeliner

One of the common mistakes is to start applying liquid eyeliner directly. You should always start with a pencil eyeliner until you have enough experience to apply liquid eyeliner. Get a pencil eyeliner and create the shape. Once you make the shape perfectly, you can fill it with liquid eyeliner. 

Spending a few extra minutes with the pencil will make the whole process simple and easy. Apart from easiness, it will result in perfect shape. 


Use Dotting Process

A nice way to apply eyeliner is to use the dotting method. It involves drawing dots with a pencil eyeliner. Once you have created your desired shape with a pencil liner, you can use liquid eyeliner to get the final version. 

While using the liquid eyeliner, you must cover the dots accurately. 

Get a Magnifying Mirror

Do you use a regular mirror while applying eyeliner? Well, you could never get a perfect look. A magnifying mirror is required to get an accurate shape with no errors. 


It gives you more clarity and allows you to create any shape accurately. You can finish the job quickly and more accurately. 

Apply on the Difficult Eye

Everyone finds it difficult to apply eyeliner on one of the eyes. You always find it hard to match it with the other eye. How about you start with a difficult one? Yes, perfect idea. 

It allows you to start with a fresh mind. Moreover, you can easily match the other eye later. It cuts the challenging part of matching both eyes. 

Get a Hard Paper

Do you find it hard to create wings? To get the perfect winged line look, you need a hard paper. It must be thicker than regular paper. You can use a business card for this purpose. 

A business card has the perfect thickness to help you with the eyeliner. Place it with the corner of your eye and angle it where you want the wing to go. Now, draw the line, and it will be perfect every time. 

Gel Liner Is Easier to Apply

Liquid eyeliner requires experience and perfection to get an accurate shape. Gel eyeliner, on the other hand, is somewhat easier to apply. You need a stiff brush to apply gel eyeliner. 

The gel doesn’t move as a liquid does. If you are finding it hard to use liquid eyeliner, gel eyeliner is perfect for you. 

Your Hands Should Be Firm

When you hesitate to make a move on your eye, your hands tremble, resulting in poor shape. You should be confident enough to start making a line

Remember that your hands should be firm all the time. You can always create the line again if you don’t like it. So, be confident and use firm hands. 

Apply Concealer

Concealer is the best friend of eyeliner. It hides all the mistakes and errors of eyeliner perfectly. Use concealer to erase your mistakes and start applying the liner again. 

Do not try to use water or makeup remover to fix your liner mistakes. 

Practice Is Important

No one can make a perfect shape on the first attempt. Even if you don’t like your first try, you need to do it again. Once you apply the liner for a few weeks, you will start getting perfect shapes. 

Apart from the perfect shape, you will take less time to apply the liner. You will get accurate and quicker with eyeliners in no time. 

Keep Mascara as a Backup 

Mascara is a perfect backup if you run out of eyeliner. You can apply mascara as an eyeliner. It looks great. 

Check Out These Hacks for Applying Eyeliner


Applying eyeliner requires practice to get an accurate shape. You will take a lot of time and make mistakes during your initial attempts. However, you will learn and start getting perfect lines soon. Just don’t give up. 

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