Hack This - 5 Year Goals

Some of us can't even write goals for the next week, much less for the next 5 years. After all, that means a lot of introspection and reflection, not to mention making some hard decisions, right?

Who wants to do that? It has actually been proven through many studies that writing down goals can help you achieve them. 


That means figuring out how to write down some 5-year goals may be worth the investment of your time. If you struggle with writing down goals, we're going to help you do it with little to no stress. 

Hack This - 5 Year Goals

5-Year Plan? 

What exactly is a 5-year plan, and why do you need one? It is a list of goals and the steps it will take to achieve those goals. There are a lot of different ways to create them, and they can be for your personal or physical wellbeing.

To do this, you will need to sit down and let your dreams flow free to find the one that you are the most passionate about. Then, all you have to do is figure out the steps required to make that dream a reality. 


Questions you can ask yourself to get started are below.

  • Are you happy in your life? If not, why not?
  • What steps do you need to take to change or improve your life?
  • If you didn’t have to worry about money or failure, what would you want to do?

These questions should open up a world of ideas. Then, you will be able to figure out those 5-year goals

How To Get Started

Those questions are just the beginning. Next, you will want to sit down and begin writing your goals onto a tangible product like a bullet journal


In order to craft your goals, there are a few steps that you may want to follow. Remember, though, that this process is customizable and should be according to your comfort and personal preferences.

The first step is to pick one or a few major goals that you want to get done in the next five years. You will want to make them attainable and trackable. Then, you should take each of the goals and figure out the path to accomplishing them.

Next, write out the steps needed and give them timeframes, as well. Make sure to consistently revisit them so that you can record the steps you take to reach the goal. 

Lastly, remember that your goals may change as the years go on, and that is okay. Simply course correct and keep going. 

Resources You May Need

Depending on the way you have decided to lay out your goals, you may want to invest in some stuff. Here are a few suggestions that may help you get in the right frame of mind.

  • Bullet journal
  • Yearly calendar
  • Colored pins
  • Stickers
  • Sticky notes

Tips For Creating 5-Year Goals

There are many ways to create your 5-year goals, but the best tip we can give you is to let your dreams go big. After all, five years is a long time and plenty of days to work towards those goals that you may think are quite lofty.

As you let your mind drift into your dream rooms, don’t say no. Make a list of all your dreams, and then look for the ones that seem to really get you excited. Then, make them your goals. 

All that is left is to make sure that you dive into how you can make them come true. This is best done by chopping your goals down into smaller goals and steps.

You will want to keep them written somewhere so you can revisit them regularly. If you are someone who is into lists, you may also want to get even more creative and make vision boards that include charts you can fill out or check off.

Most of all, as we have already said, remember that dreams may change, and that is okay! If this happens, or if you don’t meet a goal deadline, don’t beat yourself up!

Hack This - 5 Year Goals


Hacking the task of creating 5-year goals may seem like a monumental chore, but the time spent doing this is well worth it. By sitting down and thinking about what you want, you will be beginning to craft a life you will be in love with, and that is what life is all about!

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