Get Motivated by These Inspirational People

Have you ever felt like you just weren’t good enough? Does it ever feel like no matter how hard you try things never seem to go your way? Here’s a reality check, we’ve all felt this way at some point in our lives. But that doesn’t mean we have to let it define who we are.

To get back on our feet, sometimes we need to look for hope somewhere other than just within ourselves, which is what role models and heroes are for. Our idols tend to be a major source of influence and leave us feeling encouraged to try our best.


To get you motivated, here are these inspirational people who never gave up even when all odds were against them.

1. Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)

German composer and pianist Johannes Brahms was no slacker when it came to precision. A perfectionist in his own right, Brahms has been recognized alongside some of the greatest classical musicians of the Romantic period, but his success took a long time.

Although he showed interest in composition as a young boy, Brahms did not premiere his first composition until his early 40’s.


It took over 20 years for Brahms to complete his first piece which was uncommon in comparison to his cohorts who typically achieved acclaimed success early on in their careers.

Never discouraged, Brahms created his own path and as a result of his perfectionism, his compositions remain as some of the most influential pieces of music from the 18th century.

2. Marie Curie (1867-1934)

Marie Sklodowska Curie was a Polish and French physicist and chemist best known for her contributions to


radioactivity. However, the two-time Nobel Prize-winner’s success wasn’t just handed to her, she had to work hard to make a place for herself in a field seldom sought by women.

Dedicated to her studies and career, Curie often worked and lived in difficult conditions that continuously challenged her perseverance and commitment.

Due to her unshakable passion for her profession, Marie Curie’s legacy and impact serves as an inspiration for many in modern science.

3. Louis Zamperini (1917-2014)

Former Olympic athlete and war veteran Louis Zamperini is best known for his incredible resilience and bravery. Zamperini’s story starts at an early age when he chased his passion for running to the 1936 Olympics, placing 8th in the 5,000-meter race.

But Zamperini’s story doesn’t just end there. Zamperini enlisted in the United States Army during War World II and was later taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese Navy after he was found floating adrift in the Pacific Ocean for nearly 50 days as a result of an attack on his crew’s aircraft.

Even though he had been brutally tortured during his captivity, Zamperini pardoned his captors years after his release. Zamperini’s ability to forgive serves as inspiration for all, reminding us to let go of difficult experiences and live.

4. Malala Yousafzai (1997)

Malala Yousafzai never let anything stop her from accomplishing her goals. From a young age, Yousafzai had a thirst for knowledge and a strong will to pursue it no matter the circumstances.

Known for her outspoken desire to receive an education, Yousafzai was seen as a threat to the Taliban and in 2012 she was shot by members on her way to school. The horrific attack did not stop Yousafzai from pursuing her dreams of receiving an education.

Instead, she continues to speak out and is now one of the most recognized activists and the youngest Nobel Peace Prize winner to date. Yousafzai is a hero and an inspiration to children and students all around the world.


The people we admire can motivate us to do our best even in the darkest of times. If you just take a moment to look around you, we guarantee that you’ll be able to find inspiration through someone else’s journey.

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