Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Be a Better Pet Owner

Dogs will always be considered man's best friend but they still need to be properly trained. Training enhances your relationship with your dog and allows them to live a very healthy life. 

There are a lot of things that you can do to help train your dog. If you are worried that your dog might not be able to understand you, dogs are smart enough to do so.


Here are some of the dog training tips you can do to be a better pet owner.

Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Be a Better Pet Owner
Image Source: Open Farm

Why You Should Train Your Dog

Training your dog means they become disciplined pets and avoid several issues within your household. 

Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Be a Better Pet Owner
Image Source: The Spruce Pets

Proper training also helps protect dogs from other dogs, especially when you are outside and encounter other animals. 


It prevents bad behavior and makes your dog more confident. 

Since most dogs are easily distracted, training them makes them more disciplined, and it enhances your relationship with your dog.

How Do They Learn?

Dogs are very smart creatures and have the best results when you use reward-based learning. 


This means that you give them their favorite treat or toy as a reward for doing a good job or following your orders. 

This is why it is important to know what your dog likes and what their favorite toys are before you start training them. This will make the training session a lot easier for you and make it faster for them to learn.

What to Do When During Dog Training

Dog training is a long and arduous experience, but the results always benefit both the owner and the pet. 

Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Be a Better Pet Owner
Image Source: Forks and Folly

This is why you will need to be a good pet owner to become successful at dog training. 

Here are some of the things that you need to do before and while you're training your dog.

Minimize Distractions

As said before, dogs are easily distracted. One movement from anyone in the background can catch their attention, and they will ignore you. 

This is why you need to clear any form of distraction or take them to a neutral spot free of any distraction before you start your dog training.

Be Patient

Dogs are very smart creatures, but they also take some time to learn what you need them to learn. Dogs learn at different rates, so you need to be patient

Some dogs learn fast but forget the commands immediately, while others take a lot of time to understand what the command is before they do it. 

Every dog is different so you need to be careful and patient with them.

Short Regular Sessions

While dogs may be smart, they tend to get overwhelmed with new information. Your training session might end up useless if you keep on training your dog for long periods. 

Make sure that your training sessions are short but consistent. Break your training sessions into 15 to 30 minutes, so your dog does not feel overwhelmed.

Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Become a Better Pet Owner

You may also feel overwhelmed about how to train your dog. You'll soon discover that dog training is very important for you as a pet owner and for them. 

Dog Training Tips You Can Do to Be a Better Pet Owner
Image Source: DogsBestLife

It can be a fun and fulfilling process if you understand why you're training your dog. 

Here are some of the most effective dog training tips you can do to become a better pet owner.

Always Use Positive Reinforcement

Vets all agree that using positive reinforcement or a rewards-based training system is an effective way of training your dog. 

It is essentially training your dog and rewarding them for good behavior instead of bad results. 

Whenever your dog demonstrates good behavior in response to your training, you reward them with treats. This associates good behavior with good rewards for the dog.

Socialize Your Dog as Early as Possible

Socializing your dog means exposing them to other people and pets. This makes them more keen on meeting new people and other dogs instead of growling at any person that they meet. 

It also helps prevent behavioral problems in the future and allows them to be confident. 

Socializing your dog also helps you understand how it reacts to certain situations, allowing you to focus on which part of its behavior needs to be trained first.

Learn Basic Dog Commands

Dog commands like sit, come, stay, and lie down are some of the most basic and best ways to start training your dog. 

Much like humans, they are not born with an immediate understanding of the word but teaching them with positive reinforcement will allow them to understand. 

These commands also help you gauge the level of understanding of your pet while also teaching them proper behavior and discipline.

House Training

You should understand that dogs have needs, and they need to relieve themselves from time to time. If you don't house-train your dog, you will always have to clean up its mess. 

House training will allow you to understand when they want to relieve themselves while also allowing your dog to tell you it is time for them to do so. 

Once you're outside, encourage them to do it in a specific spot so they will associate it with their own bathroom. Don't forget to give them praise and treats when they do so.

Hire a Professional Dog Trainer

For first-time pet owners, it is extra challenging to train your dog. If you're having difficulties with dog training, go ahead and seek help from a professional dog trainer

Ask for tips on how to properly train your dog and watch how they do so. Dog trainers can also spot behavioral problems and address them so you can have a better time training your dog.

Be Consistent and Have Fun

Dog training requires a lot of patience and consistency. It can be tiring and frustrating at times especially when you have a stubborn dog. 

Be consistent with your training schedules so that your dog knows it is time to learn. It will have big payoffs in the future knowing that your dog will grow to respect your commands. 

On top of that, it can also be a good bonding experience with your dog so have fun while you're at it.


It is never too late to train your dog. While certain breeds might be more suited for dog training, all it needs is a little bit of love, a little bit of discipline, and a lot of patience and consistency to properly train your dog. You and your dog will be thankful that you had proper dog training.

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