Check Out Some Marriage Advice from Old Couples

This may be considered hopeless romanticism, but some think that two people can be made for each other. Maybe you haven’t met your other half yet, or perhaps you’re already married to them; either way, a heavenly match is in the cards for everyone.

But a match made in heaven doesn’t necessarily equate to butterflies and smiles all the time. Marriage, just like all other relationships in life, requires constant work and effort. And just because we know we made the right choice with our partners, doesn’t mean we can’t seek out marriage advice


The best guidance is given by those who have lived a lifetime of love and union. To know just what it takes to make a life-long commitment, check out the list below for some marriage advice from old couples who know best.

Laugh About It

Learning to laugh off small arguments and awkward moments with your partner is a great and comforting feeling.

Couples who have been together for a long time say that being able to laugh things off with your partner is one of the key characteristics of a strong bond.


A. Pawlowski of Today writes that doing a sense of humor check helps a marriage go a long way because “it’s a simple test of whether your world views align.”

So, even though our emotions can sometimes get the better of us, there’s nothing a little laughter can’t fix.

Have Faith in Your Own Judgement

When starting your life with another person, a lot of people are going to put in their two cents. While opinions from friends and family normally come from a good place, at the end of the day, it’s just going to be you and your partner in the relationship.


Woman and Home’s Alanna Freeman interviewed a 100-year old couple to test this theory and concluded that “your friends aren’t always the best judges of character.”

This long-lasting couple proved that your judgment is valid. Marriage is not only about having faith in your partner, but also in yourself.

Respect One Another

Throughout your marriage, there are going to be times when you can’t seem to agree on anything. There are also going to be times when your different viewpoints are going to clash.

That’s totally normal, and that’s life. You shouldn’t control one another; instead, you should always respect each other.

Relationship blogger Mark Manson writes that “without that bedrock of respect, you will begin to doubt each other’s intentions,” and life-long couples can attest to the fact that respect is foundational.

You don’t need to think the same thoughts or be the same person; respect can be given no matter what your differences are.

Own Your Space

The great thing about marriage is that you get to live life with your best friend. But, just because you share your life with another person doesn’t mean you’re one half of a whole. You still are and will always be your own independent person.

Writer Julia Malacoff of Best Life stresses the importance of having your own space, writing that “just because you want to spend time away from your partner doesn’t mean you love or cherish them any less.”

While marriage means never having to be by yourself ever again, creating and owning your space will allow you to be with yourself and exercise your independence. 

Marriage Is What You Make of It

Although seeking advice is never a bad idea, only you know what it takes to have a successful marriage with your partner. There is no one-size-fits-all guide to a wonderful marriage. If there were, you probably wouldn’t be referring to this article.

Nevertheless, here’s one last piece of marriage advice from the wise Barbara de Angelis to always keep in mind: “Marriage is not a noun; it’s a verb. It isn’t something you get. It’s something you do. It’s the way you love your partner every day.”

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