Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact

If you haven't heard it yet, there is one elixir that has been going around in social media and in the medical community that has been proven to be effective at almost everything.

Black seed oil has been used by millions of people in the past hundred years but it has only come to our attention in the past few years.


We take a good look at what it is all about and what are the black seed oil benefits that you can take advantage of.

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact
Image Source: Healthifyme

What is Black Seed Oil?

Black seeds are known in many different countries and are called by different terms such as black caraway, kalonji, black cumin, and black onion seeds.

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact
Image Source: Medical News Today

They come from different parts of Asia such as the Middle East Western Asia and even Eastern Europe. 


There is a reason why black seed oil is used to cure different ailments

It contains thymoquinone which is a powerful antioxidant and has compounds that might even have anti-cancer properties.

How Is It Taken?

Black seed oil is commonly marketed as a supplement and can be taken orally. There are a lot of different types of capsules that have black seed oil as part of their ingredient. 


Black seed oil can also be added to massage oils, skincare products, fragrances, shampoos, and many other cosmetic items. 

It can even be used for cooking and baking if you want to incorporate the healthy benefits of black seed oil in your dishes.

Using Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is usually taken as a supplement. You can purchase them at your local store as a capsule, pill, or in liquid form. 

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact
Image Source: Business Insider

Depending on the form, you can consume it orally, or you can apply the oil directly to the affected area

If you're buying the liquid form, you must always choose the highest quality and take it without any other added ingredients. 

Make sure that you also check if it is approved by your local food and drug administration before you consume it.

Factors to Consider Before Buying

When purchasing black seed oil, there are certain requirements that you need to consider first. You should only buy black seed oil at legitimate health food stores

Always check the ingredients list and research more about the other components of the product. 

You should also check the manufacturer to see if they are approved by your government's Food and Drugs Administration.

Check These Benefits of Black Seed Oil

There is a reason why black seed oil is very popular today. 

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact
Image Source: Real Simple

It offers anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties

These benefits can help you with almost any health condition that you may experience. 

Here are some of the best black seed oil benefits.

Treat Skin Conditions

Applying black seed oil directly to any skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, or vitiligo can help reduce its signs and symptoms. 

It reduces swelling and irritation as well as keeps your skin healthy and supple. 

Continue to apply the oil after the skin condition is gone to enjoy glowing, healthier skin than before.

Healthy Hair

You can also apply black seed oil to your hair and make sure that it coats your scalp. 

This can help remove dandruff and keep your scalp healthy thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. 

Brush your hair after applying the oil to keep it glowing and healthy.

Prevents Cancer

Black seed oil is known to contain thymoquinone which has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties

In a study, researchers discovered that the oil was able to shrink the tumors in rats and it even slowed its growth. 

It also protects the healthy cells and tissues from radiation damage.

Reduces Asthma Attacks

Asthma happens when your airway is inflamed due to allergens. The entire air passage becomes irritated and begins to spasm. 

With the help of black seed oil and its anti-inflammatory properties, your entire respiratory system calms down, and you're able to breathe properly again. 

Research suggests that you take black seed oil twice a day over four weeks to help with your asthma.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels and Hypertension

For people who find it difficult to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol, black seed oil is a must-try. 

You can take around 2 teaspoons of black seed oil in the morning after breakfast for the next six weeks. 

It will reduce your cholesterol level and prevent hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases.

Cook Amazing Dishes

Apart from the health benefits of black seed oil, you can also use the oil for cooking your favorite dishes. 

This healthy oil can be used in a wide variety of cuisines that you and your family can consume. 

With its amazing health benefits, you can eat healthy meals every day without feeling too guilty about the food that you consume.

Is It Safe?

There is a lot of research that suggests the safety of consuming black seed oil. You can take it orally or apply it directly to your skin. 

Black Seed Oil Benefits: Myth Vs. Fact
Image Source: Verywell Health

There are no known serious adverse effects of taking black seed oil, but you should still be observant of any side effects. 

People who are pregnant or are currently breastfeeding should not consume black seed oil as part of a precautionary measure since there is not enough evidence of its safety for pregnant and lactating mothers.

Precautionary Measures with Black Seed Oil

While black seed oil is commonly used as a powerful antioxidant to remedy different ailments, it should never replace any of your current medications. 

Your regular medications should still be taken as usual if you are planning on incorporating black seed oil into your diet. 

It is still best that you talk to your doctor first before you begin your health journey in using black seed oil as part of your diet.


Millions of people have used black seed oil for its benefits in the past hundreds of years. Now is the time for you to start taking advantage of black seed oil benefits so you can stay healthy for many years. Don't miss out on a chance to have a healthy and long life with the help of black seed oil.

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