How You Gain from the Benefits of Drinking Water

We all take drinking water for granted until we begin to dehydrate and suffer a lot of health conditions. You might notice that many health professionals always remind us to drink water.

Water plays an important role in our body. It helps in many processes like digestion, circulation, metabolism, and many more.


This is why we should all be drinking water every day. Check out the article below to learn more about the benefits of drinking water.

How You Gain from the Benefits of Drinking Water
Image Source: The Today Show

Drinking Water for a Healthier You

Drinking water is not just a reminder from your parents or doctor. It is a way for you to stay healthy. 

How You Gain from the Benefits of Drinking Water
Image Source: ecobud

Our entire body is made up of 60% water. The brain and the heart are made up of 73% water, while the lungs are about 83% water. 


The skin has around 64% water, and the kidneys are at about 79%. 

Notice that these organs are mostly made up of water; hence, they require water to function properly. Drinking water makes you a lot healthier.

How Much Water Do We Need to Drink?

A lot of people think that they regularly drink water, but most of them do not know if they are drinking enough. 


Only 22 percent of adults report that they are drinking 8 cups of water per day. This means that the rest are not drinking enough water to sustain their body. 

It is always best to drink your 8 cups of water every day and, sometimes, even more, if you are living an active lifestyle. Men need to drink around 3.7 liters of water, while women should have 2.7 liters of water per day.

Benefits of Drinking Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated has a lot of health benefits. 

How You Gain from the Benefits of Drinking Water
Image Source: Healthsots

It is highly recommended that you drink at least 8 cups of water per day and sometimes even more. 

While there may only be a little science behind this rule, it is still important for you to stay hydrated and drink water.

Increase Performance

Notice that when you drink more water, you tend to be more active, especially at the gym or in any physically demanding task. 

Dehydration has a very noticeable effect on the human body, and it can take its toll by slowing down your body's entire process. 

When you don't have enough water, your body reacts by reducing your motivation, limiting your movement, and slowing down your mental capacity.

Prevents Headaches

There are different causes of headaches, one of which is dehydration

Dehydration causes your body to limit the amount of water and nutrients for it to use. This can cause you to have headaches. 

Limit and even prevent the onset of headaches by increasing your water consumption.

Relieves Constipation

Constipation happens when your digestive tract is relaxed, which causes it to absorb more water, making you thirsty and dehydrated. 

This also means that you'll have a difficult time passing stool. You can find relief by drinking more water and decreasing constipation. 

You can even take it a step further by drinking mineral water that has magnesium and other minerals.

Keeps Your Skin Healthy and Glowing

You already know that your skin is mostly made up of water. The skin requires a lot of water to stay supple and smooth. 

Drinking water helps keep your skin healthy and glowing as it is properly nourished with vitamins from the food that you eat through circulation. 

Drinking more water helps prevent your skin from looking dry and wrinkled.

Helps Your Kidneys

One of the main functions of the kidneys is to filter waste products from your cells and remove them through your urine with the help of water. 

Your kidneys won't be able to do its function very well if you do not have enough water to properly circulate the blood all over your body. 

This can lead to having excess toxins trapped inside your kidney, which can result in kidney stones.

Tips to Help You Drink More Water

A lot of us struggle to drink the required amount of water to stay healthy.

How You Gain from the Benefits of Drinking Water
Image Source: NBC News

Many people even forget to drink water for the entire day due to their busy schedules. 

So, how do you get yourself to drink more water? Here are some tips to help you drink more water.

Carry a Water Bottle

Notice how many people today are carrying water bottles everywhere they go? It's not just because they are heading to the gym. 

They carry a water bottle to keep themselves hydrated for the entire day, and they are reminded to drink water. 

Make sure that you refill it every time you drink from your water bottle.

Choose Water Over Other Beverages

It might be too tempting to choose soda or coffee over simple cold water, but chances are, you are way better with water. 

Soda, coffee, and other sugary drinks can draw out water which can make you feel bloated. 

Some of these drinks can even make you thirsty without feeling the need to drink water. This is why you should choose water every day.

Healthier Alternative to Water

If you're not able to fully transition yourself from drinking sugary drinks to plain water, there are several healthier alternatives that you can choose for now. 

Some good examples are chia seed lemon water, sparkling water, hot lemon water with honey, turmeric and lemon water, and many more.

Tie Drinking Water to a Routine

A lot of people with busy schedules tend to have a routine. 

If you want to increase your water intake, tie drinking water to different routines throughout the entire day. 

This way, you won't miss drinking water.

Don't Forget to Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water. Watermelon, pineapple, lettuce, celery, and many more are great examples of fruits and vegetables that you can eat to keep you hydrated. 

Not only are they healthy, but they also provide you with good hydration and nourishment, plus it helps you keep your weight.


You should always aim to get enough water for your system. This can prevent dehydration and other medical conditions that may develop from not drinking enough water every day. Remember to drink your water always!

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