Advice for a Happy Life - See These Tips

In most languages, the word for "happy" is derived from the word for "lucky." This implies a curious pattern. Maybe our ancestors felt happiness was primarily a by-product of luck? Do we experience happiness by chance? We beg to differ.

Happiness is not something to be chased or found; hence, it is already innate in each of us, waiting to be actualized. 


Happiness is not a destination, generally speaking, happiness is a state where you are content with yourself and your decisions, and with the person you are. Here are a few reminders to put your inner joy back to life. 

Advice for a Happy Life - See These Tips
Image Source: Life Hack. 

Welcome Spontaneity

We all try to plan out our lives. We create a daily schedule; we set our goals. But please do mind that everything is ever-changing. In reality, happiness is not a long-lasting, lifelong attribute or personality characteristic, but a more transient, changeable state. Happiness is a state, not a trait

Try to balance the state in your life. We can't always live in pursuit of pleasure. Somewhere in the middle lies pain, on the other side of pleasure. 


You may want enough assurance in your life to feel like you have ground to stand on, but to be happy is leaving the doors open for spontaneity now and then to slip in. Enjoy the ups and downs, the hell of a ride called life. 

Be Unapologetically Yourself

Too much unhappiness comes from making choices against what you know to be right to your heart. It is bending your own set of rules for the sake of the approval of other people.

Often, we think what others might think of us. Others might think we are too much for them, but the right people will appreciate you and how you are, regardless. 


It's a struggle to stay true to yourself, indeed. But even more difficult is the repression of your true self and living as someone you are not. 

Establish Healthier Relationships

The old saying goes, no man is an island. We create our world, not with material things but with people that surround us. People are contagious; a simple hug can lower our stress throughout the day. 

Having someone to vent to on a rough day is another simple act that helps us get by in our day to day lives. Take time to spend a day with your loved ones, special friends, or even colleagues. Accept and celebrate your differences. Be more welcoming, and fill your days with warmth. 

Practice Solitude

It can be problematic and a little terrifying to find time to be alone with our busy schedules. People also fear silence and isolation since they sense more lonesome feelings that come with it. But once you have to get used to spending time with yourself, there is a huge difference that you come to understand. 

Solitude shows us treasures that can be uplifting and therapeutic inside us. Often, we get used to living in distress, and we forget to pay attention to our world. Those who make time for moments of isolation will find that this kind of effort brings serenity and peace of mind.

Allow Yourself to be Vulnerable.

There is an unrivaled satisfaction that comes from acts of vulnerability. Such moments affirm that we are, after all, human. 

For the first time, we open up as if we were looking in the mirror. We can step back and see who we are a little more clearly — for better or worse. We embrace ourselves, and we let others do likewise.

All our happiest moments and saddest realizations come from being vulnerable

Practice Good Habits

When we are stuck with bad habits, we all feel bad. Habits will work both ways. The more bad habits you repeat, such as staying up too late, smoking, eating poorly, or neglecting daily exercise, the more difficult it is to avoid doing them. 

So the trick to maintaining healthy habits and routines is to substitute unhealthy habits with good habits slowly.

Set goals you can achieve, and develop habits that allow you to meet your targets. By setting achievable goals and developing routines that move you forward every day, you begin an upward cycle of self-esteem and a sense of achievement. 

Create the Environment You'll Love

There's an explanation of why spas don't have dirty towels on the floors and knickknack-covered racks. You can't unwind in a chaotic environment. Make your little workspace pleasant for you to perform with ease. Declutter your space. 

Make your home tidy and appealing to you. Upon entering your house, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Create a sanctuary for your mind and the senses.

Advice for a Happy Life - See These Tips
Image Source: Gaiam. 


Simplicity is the key. Happiness is not out there somewhere, sprouting from the depths of grandeur. Happiness comes from simplicity, from everything that is already available for you, and transforming them into something, anything you deem fit. 

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