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5 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

They say that emotional abuse is actually worse than physical abuse because broken bones can heal, but a broken mind is hard to heal. Relationships usually start from a point of love, with great passion and immense emotion.

Emotional abuse is hard to define in simple terms, but if we were to try, we could define it as a way of control. This is where one controls another through criticism, embarrassment, shame, and blame. It also involves manipulation.


It is a consistent pattern with bullying behavior, and results in the wearing down of the victim’s self-esteem, and ends up affecting their mental health. These emotionally abusive partners will not let you know it’s happening. 

5 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Image Source: Love Strategies/YouTube.com

Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

It’s not always easy to identify that you are being emotionally abused. In the US there have been plenty of campaigns to help people understand that they are in an abusive relationship. 

Here are a few signs that will tell you that you are being abused emotionally


A Lack of Space

In the beginning, it’s usually sweet! Your partner is protective of you, especially how they get a little jealous at the thought of you with anyone else. 

But soon this turns to possessiveness. They begin getting paranoid, and they now expect that you are always accessible. They don’t want you to miss a call or fail to respond to a text. They are ever questioning your whereabouts and your company. 

They have numerous excuses ready to justify their mistrust or dislike of a colleague, friend, or even a family member! 


Soon, you begin to slowly but surely lose touch with friends and family, you get overwhelmed and exhausted from the relationship. This is emotional abuse, and you should get out when you identify any of the above signs in your relationship. 

Signs of Irrational Jealousy

If for no reason, your partner, due to paranoia, starts to accuse you of being disloyal or cheating, you are in trouble. They can even go as far to the extent of putting a lot of effort into proving this 

This can be things like going through your phone and calling your friends to find out whether you are with them, then this is emotional abuse.

Such partners love to play the victim, and they claim that past relationships or a difficult upbringing affect their behavior. 

They may even say that irreconcilable differences with people close to them are the reasons for their actions. Help yourself and disassociate from such people if you can, as the end may be critical for you

Constantly Shifting Blame

Think of the arguments you have with your partner, do all arguments end with you being at fault even though you are not? That’s an abusive partner. 

They usually lay all the blame on you, other people, or circumstances for messes they create or actions they find offensive. In other words, they never accept responsibility for issues in their lives.

They won’t hesitate to use you and those around them to vent their anger off. Repeatedly this kind of behavior, eventually, makes you think that you could be at fault for their irritation or the issues in your relationship. 

Ensure that you get away from such a relationship.

Always Guilt-Tripping You

A partner who always wants you to stay in a relationship by coercing you and blackmailing you with threats is not a good one. This is considered emotional abuse.

They’ll make you feel like you don’t deserve better or no one will care for you as they do. While you frequently fight with each other they will convince you to think it’s normal to disagree sometimes. 

Now you hope you can help them change their ways, but that is their psychological way of being, and it is difficult to change that. Get away from such a relationship.

Consistently Puts You Down

If you notice that your partner is consistently criticizing you. They ridicule your spending habits, lifestyle choices you make, the foods you eat, and worst of all, your physical appearance, then you are in an emotionally abusive relationship.

It is wise to avoid someone that is always putting you down, as this will lead you to have low self-esteem. Keep off such people for your sanity. 

5 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Relationship
Image Source: @KatiMorton/YouTube.com


The purpose of a relationship is to find a partner that helps you feel great about yourself. And you should do the same for them. But if that isn’t happening, then you have a problem.

If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship, you will feel like you are not good enough. And a person who loves you will always make you feel that you are good enough and more. Watch out for the signs above.