4 Tips for Single Parent Dating

Single parents know how difficult it is to raise kids and attend to their emotional, psychological, and other needs without the help of a partner. Because of this, dating may be out of the question for, at least for a while. After all, single parenting is hard enough as it is.

However, these parents have their own needs and want, and they deserve to love and to be loved, too. They have the right to find a partner who not only will accept their circumstances but will also love their children like their own. 


This part of single parenthood is intimidating to many. To help you navigate this part of your life, here are four single parent dating tips you should be aware of.

4 Tips for Single Parent Dating

Be Ready

As mentioned, being a single parent means that your time and headspace are occupied by raising your children single-handedly. If you are considering to start dating, you want to make sure that you are ready for such a commitment.


First, think about how much you prioritize dating. Is it high up on your priority list or does it take the back seat in light of your current responsibilities and commitments? You need to know how important dating is to you.

Say you decide that dating is an important step you want to take. You may feel guilty having such wants and needs and taking steps to fulfill romantic ones. Rid yourself of these guilty feelings and you will be ready.

Be Open About Your Kids

When you do start to date, you should see to it that you make your partner aware of what they are getting into. Inform your potential partner about your kids. Do not feel the need to apologize or explain why you are single-handedly raising your children.


By being upfront about having kids, you are letting yourself be liked by your potential partner for who you are. Plus, you will get to know how they feel about kids in general.

Introduce Them at the Right Time

If you are certain that the relationship is serious, your next big step is to introduce your partner to your children. Before doing so, make sure to talk to your kids about it. Tell them about your partner, let them know that they can ask questions and listen to their concerns.

You should also tell them that you would like them to meet your partner and ask them what they think about it. Lastly, be mindful of your children’s reactions and show that you will still have time for them.

While your kids’ feelings should not dictate your romantic decisions, you should always consider their feelings. You can do this by limiting displays of affection and giving them the privacy they need.

Think About Deal Breakers

Dating and relationships are a long process of knowing your partner. Even when you have been together for a long time, you will discover new things about them. This is why you should think about deal breakers

You should look out for red flags such as your partner not respecting boundaries with your kids. This also includes expectations from them that you ignore your kids, demanding to be prioritized over your children, mistreating them, and not wanting to be part of your children’s lives. 

When you observe these signs, then you should reconsider your relationship with this person.

4 Tips for Single Parent Dating

The Bottom Line

Single parent dating is a challenge. You should be able to pursue your romantic wants and needs without compromising the wellbeing of your children. With these tips, you can start dating not only for yourself but also with your kids’ interest in mind.

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