4 Great Tips for Overcoming Anger

There is nothing wrong with being angry. It's a natural emotion to experience. However, chronic anger has serious effects on a person’s physical health, mental health, and even his/her relationship with other people. The level of anger experienced by a person depends on their temper. 

If you have a short temper, you may feel that everything’s out of your hand and that can cause you speak or act wrongly toward another person. Causing harm to oneself and other people is a situation that needs to be avoided. Through the help of anger management skills, the harmful effects of anger are avoided.


There are different ways to overcome anger. However, not all tips suit everyone; it would still depend on the person’s personality and the given situation. Here are four great tips for effectively overcoming anger

4 Great Tips for Overcoming Anger
Image Source: Food NDTV

Breathe, Calm Down, and Think Before Venting Out the Emotions

As the cliche states, words are like swords that can hurt people mentally and emotionally. Angry people tend to be careless in saying things without adequately thinking. Being angry is never a gate pass to hurt the feelings of other people

Once you say something, you can never get it back. However, some people vent out their emotions by means of screaming or talking. If this is the case, you need to control yourself so you won’t regret uttering words that are not meant to be said. 


If you have a short temper, practice deep breathing. Rest assured that you will feel relaxed in just a few minutes so that you can think properly about your next steps. 

It would also help if you open up about what you feel to trusted friends and family members. An effective way to overcome anger is to identify stressful factors that trigger your anger emotion.

Take Care of Yourself

The mental, emotional, and physical aspects of a person are interrelated. If you have unhealthy habits, it will quickly transpire into your way of thinking, feeling, and bodily system. 


Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and eating healthy foods. Lack of sleep contributes to negative thoughts. If you feel stressed, find time to reflect on the things that worry you. 

A perfect way to release anger is to exercise. Exercising helps calm your nerves to release the tension in your body that influences anger feelings. Activities that can get you limbs pumping, such as walking, running, biking, etc., are ideal activities for a sound mind and body.

4 Great Tips for Overcoming Anger
Image Source: Very Well Mind

Figure Out Why You’re Angry

There could be a lot of reasons why you are angry. Being angry is a normal feeling, but you need to be responsible for how you will take it. 

Uncontrollable reasons why you feel anger includes bodily or hormonal changes that cause mood swings, frustrations, or when you’re under a lot of pressure. Acknowledging your emotions is a way to find ways to deal with it in the future. 

Anger is the top reason why violence is prevalent. Some people commit crimes where they are angry and regret their decision much later . If you notice that a specific event triggers you, you could rehearse your response to keep you composed in the event that you will encounter that triggering event again. 

Practice Forgiveness

Forgiving those who have wronged you takes a lot of courage and emotional skill, but this is the way to a peaceful life, and it frees you from vengeful thoughts. Holding grudges increases stress levels, and it greatly impacts the well-being of a person. 

You may not forget the negative feelings that anger has caused you, but forgiveness is the quickest way to move on and be happy

If you are not yet ready to give forgiveness, you could at least pretend that you have already forgiven them. Eventually, you will just realize that your anger has slipped away. It’s just about time. 


Anger is a normal emotion. It is even considered as a survival skill. However, what’s not normal is when anger turns into aggression that can intentionally hurt other people. There are a lot of helpful ways on how you can manage anger. You’ll just have to be open in acknowledging your negative feelings. 

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